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The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn (QEHKL)

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Lead AES - Mr James Jeffery (

Leave Requests - Lisa Robinson ( for registrars (both annual leave and study leave)

On Call Middle Grade #4280 / On Call F1/SHO #4220

Trauma nurse or fracture clinic follow up or #3571  



Joining us

Theatres: Theatre 6 Trauma, Sandringham Theatre 8 and 9 Elective, Day Surgery 

Weekday on calls: 0800 to 0900 next day, followed by day in lieu 

Weekend on calls: 48 hours, followed by Monday Tuesday in lieu

Middle grade: 3 registrars 5 staff grades (1:8) 

Major trauma: NNUH through major trauma network

Spinal: NNUH

Paediatric Infections: NNUH 

Junior grade: 7-8 Foundation Year 1 doctors / Trust grade SHOs 

Teaching: Regional 

Audit: Mr Chandra Pasapula 

Research: Mr Chandra Pasapula and Mr Alan Norrish 

Journal Club: Mr Alan Norrish

  1. Mr Sunil Nair (Hands), Mr James Jeffery (Hip and Knee Arthroplasty)

  2. Mr Alan Norrish (Hip and Knee) and Miss Lucy Dennell (Shoulder)

  3. Mr Chandra Pasapula (Foot and Ankle), Mr Sivaraman Subramanian (Knee Soft Tissue Recon and Knee Arthroplasty)

  4. Mr Shantanu Mandal (Hip and Knee), Mr Kemp Narayansetty (Hip and Knee) and Mr Anil Chakrabarti (Shoulder)

EoEOrtho     The Heart of Trauma and Orthopaedics In East of England

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